Is i an Ghaeilge bunchloch na scoile agus is iad na páistí croílár an ghaelscolaíocht. Is orthu siúd atáimid ag brath chun an Ghaeilge a chur ar aghaidh go dtí an chéad ghlúin eile. (Ár bpolasaí Gaeilge, Gaelscoileanna 2005,lch7)
- Is i an Ghaeilge an teanga chumarsáide agus ghnó na scoile. Labhrófar Gaeilge i gcónaí sa scoil agus ag ócáidí scoile. Cuirtear neart tacaíocht ar fáil dóibh siúd ar mian leo feabhas a chur ar a nGaeilge féin
- Is gaelscoil ilchreidmheach í Gaelscoil Riada a aithníonn na héagsúlachtaí (spioradálta, morálta agus cultúrtha, intleachtúla, fisicíula, sóisialta, ealaíonta,) agus difríochtaí atá idir páistí agus an gá atá ann le tuiscint agus meas ar na h-éagsúlachtaí seo a chothú. ‘Croí na Scoile’ a thugtar ar an gclár seo.
Language is the foundation of the school and the children are at the heart of gaelscolaíocht. We depend on them to pass on the Irish language to the next generation. (Our Irish Language policy, Gaelscoileanna 2005, lch7)
- The Irish Language is the language of communication and business at school. Irish is the language spoken at school and at school events. There is plenty support available for those who wish to improve their Irish, such as our weekly Ciorcal Comhrá as well as language classes for parents.
- Gaelscoil Riada is a multi-denominational primary school which recognises differences (spiritual, moral and cultural, intellectual, physical, social, artistic) between children and the need to understand and respect this diversity. This is in line with the core-curriculum of religious instruction called ‘Croí na Scoile’ and the SPHE guidelines (1999).
I ngaelscoil Riada cuirtear béim láidir ar deá-iompar dearfach a fhorbairt agus a chleachtadh trí spreagadh, moladh agus tacaíocht. Déantar chuile iarracht cur le féin-mhuinín gach duine i bpobal na scoile, páistí, múinteoirí agus tuismitheoirí ina measc. Déantar iarracht meas a chothú i ngach duine dá cheile agus don domhain mórthimpeall orthu.
Déantar chuile iarracht ionad oibre sona, sábháilte, spreagúil agus sláintiúil a chur ar fáil do phobal na scoile.
In Gaelscoil Riada, a strong emphasis is placed on developing and practising good behaviour through encouragement, praise and support. All children are encouraged to respect one another and the world around them.
Every effort is made to ensure that a happy, safe, exciting and healthy environment is provided within our school community.