Turas Scoile Rang a hAon
BhĂ lĂĄ iontach agus Rang a hAon ar an 8Ăș lĂĄ de mhĂ Meitheamh nuair a chuaigh muid ar turas scoile chuig Cathair na Mart. BhĂ an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch agus bhĂ neart spĂłrt agus spraoi ag na pĂĄistĂ.
Rang a hAon has a fantastic day on the 8th of June last when we went on our school tour to Westport House and Adventure Centre. There weather was amazing and the children had lots of fun.

Iarsmalann MĂoleolaĂocht agus BitheolaĂocht Mara
BhĂ lĂĄ iontach ag pĂĄistĂ Rang a hAon ar an Luan seo caite 8Ăș lĂĄ de Bhealtaine, nuair a thug muid cuairt ar Iarsmalann MĂoleolaĂocht agus BitheolaĂocht Mara in Ollscoil na Gaillimhe.
Ar maidin chuaigh muid go dti an Iarsmalann GeolaĂochta James Mitchell i gCearnĂłg na hOllscoile. Ansin thug muid cuairt ar an Iarsmalann MĂoleolaĂocht agus BitheolaĂocht Mara. BhĂ lĂłn ansin againn sa gCearnĂłg.
Tar Ă©is lĂłn bhĂ deis ag na pĂĄistĂ cuid do na hainmhithe andĂșchasacha a fheiceĂĄil agus a lĂĄmhseĂĄil faoi stiĂșir an saineolaĂ Dayle Leonard. Bâiontach an taithĂ a bhĂ anseo do na pĂĄistĂ.
Last Monday 8th Of May Rang a hAon went on an educational tour to the Zoology and Marine Biology Museum on the NUIG Campus in Galway city.
To start the tour we visited the James Mitchell Geology Museum, nicknamed âGalwayâs Hidden Museumâ in the Quadrangle building. Here the children were given a guided tour of the large collection of rare rocks, ancient fossils and precious gems on display.
The children then had lunch on the lawn in the Quadrangle. After lunch we walked over to the Ryan Institute where the newly refurbished Zoology and Marine Biology Museum is housed. Here the children received a guided tour of the museum and its over 500 specimens on display. These included a wide range of animals, native and exotic creatures from all over the world.
Finally, we met Dayle Leonard a Masters student in the Venom Systems and Proteomics Laboratory in the Zoology department. Here Dayle showcased some of the animals under his care including, Kenge the Argentine Black and White Tegu, a stick insect, a Burmese Python, an Axolotl name Axel, a Tarantula, a South American Tortoise, and a Leopard Gecko named Leah.
During the class Dayle explained to the children about the various animals and their habitats and characteristics. Everyone got a chance to view and handle some the animals under Dayleâs expert supervision. The children really enjoyed the Q & A session at the end of the class. This tour was an amazing experience for the children.

CĂĄrtaĂ Naomh VailintĂn
Seo cĂĄrtaĂ Naomh VailintĂn a rinne Rang a hAon i rith rang EalaĂne.
These are the lovely Valintine cards Rang a hAon made during art class.

Croiseanna BrĂde as Luachair
PĂĄistĂ Rang a hAon ag obair le luachair agus iad ag dĂ©anamh Croiseanna BrĂde.
Rang a hAon attempting to make Saint Bridgetâs crosses with rushes.

Croiseanna BrĂde dĂ©anta as crĂ©
Rinne pĂĄistĂ Rang a hAon croiseanna BrĂde as crĂ© i rith rang ealĂĄine mar chuid do cheiliĂșradh na FĂ©ile BrĂde.
Rang a hAon sculpted Saint Bridgetâs Crosses with clay during art class as part of our St. Bridget Celebrations.

EalaĂn na Nollag Rang a hAon

Ăga Yoga Rang 1
Bhain pĂĄistĂ Rang a hAon an sĂĄsamh as an seisĂșin yoga le CiarĂĄn Mac Fhearghusa
le dĂ©anaĂ.

Sheachtain EolaĂochta
ThĂĄinig EolaĂ Ray ar cuairt chuig an scoil le dĂ©anaĂ mar chuid do Sheachtain EolaĂochta 2022. Rinne sĂ© neart turgnaimh spraoĂula leis na bpĂĄistĂ
Ray the scientist recently visited the school as part of Science Week 2022. The children participated in the experiments. We had lots of fun too!!!

Junior Achievement
BhĂ GrĂĄinne Engels ionadaĂ le Junior Achievement istigh linn i Rang a hAon le cĂșpla seachtaine anuas. BhĂ sĂ ag mĂșineadh ceachtanna OSPS (Oideachas SĂłisialta, Pearsanta & SlĂĄinte) bunaithe ar an âTeaghlachâ agus an tĂĄbhacht atĂĄ le pobal agus daoine ag obair le chĂ©ile chun aon sochaĂ a chur chun cinn. Thaitin na ceachtanna go mĂłr le na bpĂĄistĂ.
First class participated in the Junior Achievement Programme lately. The theme was based on âFamiliesâ and explaining to the children that society depends on people working together. This theme is part of the SPHE curriculum. The children really enjoyed the fun activities in the lessons that were presented by our J.A. Volunteer GrĂĄinne Engels.
Bhain Rang a hAon an-taitneamh as gleasadh suas ag ullmhĂș dâOĂche Shamhna. BhĂ lĂĄ den chĂ©ad scoth againn agus bhĂ gach duine ag breathnĂș go hiontach. Thug na pĂĄistĂ isteach airgead dâOspidĂ©al na bPĂĄistĂ i gCromghlinn.
Rang a hAon really enjoyed dressing up for Halloween at school last Friday. We had a brilliant day and everyone looked amazing. The children also brought in donations for Childrenâs Health Ireland Hospital.

BhĂ spĂłrt iontach ag Rang a hAon ag dĂ©anamh a mascanna OĂche Shamhna. BhĂodar an chruthaitheach ina gcuid oibre agus bhĂ gach masc acu Ă©agsĂșil. Maith sibh!
Rang a hAon showed their creative flair this week when they made lovely eye-catching Halloween masks. Go h-ĂĄlainn!!

Thug Rang a hAon cuairt chuig PĂĄirc Rinn MhĂl in ĂrĂĄn MĂłr le dĂ©anaĂ. BhĂ lĂĄ iontach againn. Bhain an rang an-sult as an siĂșlĂłid dĂșlra sa choill. Thaitin CosĂĄn na SĂog go mĂłr leo. Fuair muid seans siĂșlĂłid cois cladaigh a dhĂ©anamh chomh maith.
Rang a hAon recently visited Renville Park in Oranmore. We had a great day. The children enjoyed the nature walk through the Woods and in particular the Fairy Trail. We also got the chance to take a walk by the seashore.

Turgnamh âSkittlesâ bunaithe ar Concentration Gradient. NĂ mheascann na dathanna le chĂ©ile san uisce mar gheall ar an tsiĂșcra atĂĄ ann. Bhain pĂĄistĂ Rang a 1 an-sult as.
Rang a 1 enjoying the Skittles Experiment based on the âConcentration Gradientâ concept.

Rang a 1 ag freastal ar lainseĂĄil leabhair âGolden Wingsâ sa scoil le dĂ©anaĂ. Thaitin na hUlchabhĂĄin go mĂłr leo.
Rang a 1 attending the âGolden wingsâ book launch at our school lately. They really enjoyed learning about the Owls.

BhĂ an-spraoĂ ag Rang 1 inniu agus iad ag cleachtadh an feadĂłg stĂĄinđ