A chairde Gael,
Tá obair na gcapall ar siúl ag na coistí éagsúla sa scoil agus is amhlaidh an scéal le coiste na Gaeilge. Socraíodh córás nua clóis a chur I bhfeidhm chun an Gaeilge labhartha a chur chun cinn. Tá áthas orainn a rá go bhfuil an Ghaeilge imigh I mbarr feabhais ó shin a leith. Tá sé tábhachtach anois coinneáil leis agus gan na maidí a scaoileadh le sruth. Éagraíodh comórtas ealaíne bunaithe ar Naomh Bríd agus bhí caighdéan na healaíne ar fheabhas. Maith sibh gach uile gasúr a ghlac páirt. Beifear ag díriú ar frásaí coitianta a úsáidtear gach lá ar scoil uaidh seo go deireadh na bliana. Díreofar ar frása nua gach coicís agus tá sé mar sprioc againn go bhfoghlamófar iad seo agus go mbeidh siad ag na gasúir uaidh sin amach. Beidh na frásaí seo bunaithe ar úsáid cheart an bhriathar agus déanfar tuilleadh daingniú ar an mbriathar áirithe seo de réir mar a théann an coicís ar aghaidh. Tá nuacht litir na ngasúir a fhoilsiú againn don chéad uair an mhí seo. Is éard atá I gceist leis ná smaointe agus scéalta na ngasúir insithe ag na gasúir iad féin. Maith sibh a ghasúir. Míle buíochas as ucht bhur dtacaíocht I gconaí.
I hope all is well. Coiste na Gaeilge have been working very hard in the last few weeks to continue the promotion of Gaeilge throughout the school. We introduced a new system on the yard and we’re glad to announce we have seen a positive impact as a result. It’s important that we all continue to work together to promote the language and to instil a positive attitude towards Gaeilge. We organised an art competition to mark St. Brigit’s day. The standard of art created by the pupils was excellent. Maith sibh ar fad.
Our Focus going forward:
We’ll be focusing on commonly used phrases from here until the end of the year. We’ll take one phrase a fortnight with a particular focus on the verb associated with that phrase. The older classes will be expanding on that verb in the different tenses and forms. The aim is that they’ll carry these phrases and correct use of the verb throughout their learning.
We’re pleased to announce that our first children’s newsletter has been launched. This is very much pupil driven where each class talks about their experiences in school throughout the month. Maith sibh a ghasúir. As always, we appreciate all your help and support.
Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.
Coiste na Gaeilge